a community website supported by Lifeworlds Learning
last update: 02 Feb 2015
Learning through Values is a freely accessible space for a number of projects focussing on the exploration of values and learning. It is currently co-ordinated by Rob Bowden of Lifeworlds Learning Community Interest Company Ltd.
Address: Ivy House Farm, Ladderedge, Leek, ST13 7AH, UK
Telephone: 01538 381571 or 07814 873402 (Rob Bowden)
Email: rob@learningthroughvalues.org
Below are some other contacts/links that you might find useful for exploring values further. We receive no financial benefit from any links and their inclusion here is not an endorsement.
JOIN the Learning through Values email list to be alerted about key updates to this website and its associated projects. We will only contact you about this work and only when there is something we believe is worth sharing. To join send an email to:
We take data protection seriously and will not share your information with any external partners or parties.
All materials © 2012-15 Lifeworlds Learning
Learning Through Values and LTV are trading names of Lifeworlds Learning Community Interest Company.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company No.7370056